Donations and Tithes/Offerings
to Legacy Headquarters
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Our gift to you, free with a donation of $50 or more.
Our very own brand, Intercessory Apothecary, specially handcrafted anointing oil as referred to in Psalm 45:7-8 and Isaiah 61:3, containing Almond Oil, Oils of Myrrh, Linaloe, and Cassia. Also contains prayer.
Get your 3-ounce bottle with roller ball (to help avoid accidental spillage), a $15 retail value, just for being our friend and donating to the work of God.
Please include your USA mailing address in the description. Shipments only within the continental United States at this time.
Solid Bible Instruction and Christian Counseling from our Board Certified Life Coach.
Specialized Bereavement/Grief Counseling and General Christian Counseling Based on the Bible.
Oneness Apostolic Teaching
Worldwide Ministerial Licensing
Enroll Now on the Ministry Division Page
Christian Counseling by a Board Certified Life Coach
Bereavement & Grief Counseling
11442 W Austin Thomas Drive, Surprise, AZ 85378, United States +1 623 432 4399